المراجع المقررة 424
Main text books:
Chemical Application of Group Theory, F. A. Cotton, 3rd ed., 1990 John Wiley and Sons
Subsidiary books:
- “Symmetry in Bonding and Spectra – An Introduction” , B. E. Douglas and C. A. Hollingsworth, Academic Press, 1985.
- “Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory : A programmed Introduction to Chemical Applications”, 2nd Edition, A. Vincent, Wiley, 2001.
- “Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory”, R. L. Carter, Wiley, 1997.
- “Symmetry and Structure : Readable Group Theory for Chemists”, 2nd edition, S. F. A. Kettle, Wiley, 1995.
- “Group Theory and Symmetry in Chemistry”, L. H. Hall, McGrow-Hill, 1969.
- “Symmetry and Spectroscopy : An Introduction to Vibrational and electronic Spectroscopy”, D. C. Harris and M. D. Bertolucci, Dover Publications, 1978.
- " نظرية الزمر للكيميائيين " تأليف د. جورج ديفيدسون , ترجمة د. معتصم ابراهيم خليل
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8/30/2014 10:48:49 PM